☆ Free (review & community) copies are available! You play beings of the forest, driven by the same force. You’re all friends. You respect each other. You love each other. And you know the suffering of this lonely father who now has to...
Update (7/5/23): A new edition of Transatlantis is underway. The version hosted here is what I'm now calling the "Ashcan Edition," created under a tight deadline as part of a game jam. In the years since making Transatlantis, I've played an...
Fight me IRL is a game where dramatic moments between player characters - such as a romantic date - are resolved via literal, actual sword fighting. This game is mostly written for martial artists (specifically HEMA) to have have excuse to...
Beyond the downtown skyscrapers, the sprawling suburbs, and the quiet farming communities exists something yet untouched by humanity - the Outskirts, and the mythical creatures that live within. Fearsome Critters is a roleplaying story game...
It’s a sunny day in Florida On one of the many fields, a strange, shifting golf course has appeared overnight, local authorities are looking into who made this. For golfers however, this is a very exciting chance to test their skills. The...
System-Agnostic Module: This system can be plugged into any TTRPG where the players feel it is a tonally appropriate method of resolution. Deterministic: The system is all-skill, no-luck, using no randomizers. 1v1 personal combat resolution...
Cat & Mouse is a GMless game where players take on the role of mortal enemies, bent on foiling each other at every turn. The game eschews traditional "stats" and "attributes" for improvisation and props. Set up your environment, and then us...