A remarkable quality of writing and endearing characters. There are different layers of storytelling and the notion of multiple choices really makes sense here. But you have to be persistent to discover all the richness of this little game. And sometimes also to accept the consequences of unwise decisions...
The pre-ending is really bittersweet (Not bad), yet all rest its greatly enjoyable, i didnt expected to made me wait a chill time at day to keep going the VN, only to enjoy as much i can, thanks a lot guys for the experience
Most certainly did not expect the ending, but I have to say this was a beautiful story.
Even though I usually do not like militarry settings, those characters did grow on me, It`s sad to say goodbye, but all histories must end, don`t they.
If you are reading this before going into the game, just know, to me, it was beautiful and ephemeral, maybe you will like this too.
Great game. very exciting and impressive art work. I want to help make the next one