First of all, the music is UNREAL! The amount of effort that must have gone in to it is insane, seriously, gimme your spotify I need more of this!
The gameplay was unfortunately not quite on the same level. The idea of a star traveling to get to the boundaries is cool, and you could definitely develop this idea into something awesome! These are the main things I thought about:
1. Make the hitboxes clearer. It's hard to tell the difference between background and obstacle, especially the astroids.
2. Give the player a few lives. It feels bad to have to redo all the levels. Maybe you always respawn at the level you died at, or you do until you run out of lives. Just make it less punishing
3. Make the hitboxes of the obstacles smaller than the sprites. This makes the game feel more fair, since its obvious to the player why they died.
4. Freeze the game for a second when the player dies. Elaborating on the previous point, this helps determine why they died.
5. Add moving obstacles! It would fit really well with the game idea, and it would make gameplay dynamic instead of just sitting there inching your way forward. If you do this, make sure to balance by making the obstacles way smaller.
Overall, I see a lot of potential here! Keep at it, gamedev is a setwise process!
(Please take pity on a poor soul who couldn't port his game to wasm and go play my game Grandma's Garden here:
Great game! I think the creator of this game has potential and a bright future.
Ambitious idea, execution needs work. I think aside from the one bug you seem to have acknowledged, it functions well enough. Having a way to restart at fail state instead of having to restart the whole game would be nice, the win state also doesn't really do anything so an actually ending/way to win would be nice as well. Also playing in browser instead of having to download it would help a lot. I think it needs work, but it's a cool idea. Excited to see your future projects!
Nice game. Ill just say i kickstarted a little, i swear this aint beacuse of the 1 star review i swear. But going towards a full game here could get a 4 or 5 star by me.
perfect simple game