This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-10-04 23:00:00 to 2024-10-28 07:00:00. View results

Bevy Spooky Jam is a casual game jam to create a game in the Bevy Engine over the month of October.  If there's enough interest, I will turn this format into a monthly jam.

The jam starts on the first Friday of October (01/04), and runs for 23 days (three weeks plus a weekend).  This is designed so that we can have a week at the end of the month dedicated to relaxing and playing each other's games.

Theme: Eldritch

The voting was contentious but "Eldritch" won out.

Make something maddening, or cosmic, or incomprehensible.  It can inspire horror, confoundment, or just make you feel small.


This jam is judged by the participants.  During the rating period (the week following the submission deadline), please take the time to rate and comment on the other entries.  We are all here to hone our craft, so feedback and critiques are welcome as long as they are constructive.  Please communicate compassionately.


This jam is pretty impromptu, and we do not have a dedicated discord yet.  For the time  being, we are using the #jam and #jam-find-a-team channels on the official Bevy Discord.


  1. Games must use the Bevy Engine.
    • Specifically, the engine must be incorporated in some way.  Integrating subcomponents such as bevy-ecs into another framework is allowed.
  2. Submissions may be removed at the sole discretion of the organizers.
  3. Sticking to the theme is not required for submission, but does factor into submission rankings.
  4. Games must be started and "finished" within the jam's time frame.
    1. Reusing existing code and assets is allowed to an extent. However a majority of code and/or assets must be made during the jam.
      1. Using libraries and previous code is allowed.
      2. No re-skinning or re-use of games started outside the jam.
    2. Uploads are locked during the rating period.
  5. Submissions can be any format.
    1. Web-playable submissions are highly recommended (they are more likely to get rated by others)
  6. You must have permission / rights for any 3rd party assets you use.
    1. No AI-generated work.
  7. Teams of any size are allowed.
  8. NSFW content is not allowed.
    1. Addendum: Adult content (partial nudity, gore, violence, etc) is allowed as long as it falls within acceptable Twitch guidelines. If you are unsure, an ESRB Rating of M is a good guideline.
  1. Racist, sexist, or otherwise discriminatory content is not allowed.
  2. NO SPAM
    1. Games that look like spam will be removed at the sole discretion of the organizers (Rule 2).
    2. People should not need to spend any money to play your game.
    3. Feel free to submit your game to other jams, but please do so judiciously and indicate in your submission which other jams you have submitted to.


This is all sort of last minute, but I'll buy a steam copy of Tiny Glade for the first place winner (sent to the submitting email).

Update: @ThierryBerger has graciously offered to contribute a deck of their physical Bevy-Themed Cards as an additional prize.  They are finalizing the production of this deck as part of the jam, and you will receive a free copy from the first printing run.  As such, we will offer a ranked choice of prizes for the top N winners, where N is the size of the prize pool.

Note: I (the organizer) plan on participating in this jam.  In the interest of fairness, my submission will be disqualified from any awards or prizes.


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Browser playable (6)
Windows (7)
macOS (4)
Linux (5)

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Delve deep to uncover the hidden nightmares of the abysm in this retro style puzzle game.
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Use soul bombs to hunt down monsters before they hunt down you.
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Do the Great One business and eradicate the villagers!
Role Playing
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Escape from the spooky forest
Survive the night!
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Build a castle and then reduce it to ruins.
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