This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-11-24 05:00:00 to 2023-02-12 05:00:00. View 13 entries
Have a favorite Forged in the Dark game? Write some content for it!
This jam is inspired by the Unusual Suspects jam, where we all made fan playbooks for Blades in the Dark. This time, we'll make playbooks for other Forged in the Dark games. We're also accepting other non-playbook content, like tables, rules, prose, etc.
If you have a game you'd like playbooks or other content written for, please fill out this form:
Before you write or post your content, please check the responses to the above form here regarding what the author is allowing for both content and monetization:
If you want to write content for a game that's not listed, or doesn't have its own licencing information, please send the author a link to the form or get approval first. I can't stop you from writing and posting whatever you want, but it's a good idea to have everything in writing before starting.
Not sure what game to write for? Skim the list of games in the form. I'd love to see everyone get at least one piece of fan content! Alternatively, there's a pretty comprehensive list of Forged in the Dark games in this collection:
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