This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-10-27 23:00:00 to 2020-10-31 23:00:00. View results

The rules of this jam are pretty simple, 

-all assets and scripts/code must be made in the 72h period, or if you have the rights to it, the music and art you can use from the interne
-all nsfw games must be marked as such
-also horror/flashing images and basically everything that is able to make the player feel uncomfortable/sick must be mentioned
-the game doesn't have to fit the theme but it would be definetly appreciated
-bug fixes can be made after submission of the game, major changes/features can't be made before the voting period ends
-don't overwhelm yourself. If you can't finish the game during the given time, it doesn't matter, the main reason we do this is for fun
-don't be mean during voting, everyone is on a different skill level

The theme is: twisted laws

There are no rewards, the only thing you get from winning the jam is that you can choose one of the three possible themes of the next jam.

We have a discord server just as last time, you don't have to join it but it is definetly recommended.


All submissions
Browser playable (1)
Windows (5)
Linux (1)

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I am man - will become the king of zombies...
Parents form a "paddle" and launch their children into houses and witches to collect candy.
A Funny Halloween themed Minigame!
Wake up from the twisted world of dream
try to avoid the pumpkins as long as possible
No treat? You'll get what's coming...
Role Playing
Some random game, that I didn't finish. The game works, but there's only one level.
Play in browser