This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-01-21 08:00:00 to 2023-02-01 07:59:59. View 11 entries
Welcome to the January Bitsy jam!
This month's theme is "Public Domain" in celebration of works from 1927 becoming public domain in the US. You're encouraged (but certainly not required) to make use of these newly public domain works in your game!
As always, the theme can be the core of your game, or just a small reference. The point is to have fun and make something! :)
About Bitsy
Bitsy is a little editor for little worlds or games. You can use it to make a game in your browser just by drawing it! If you're new to Bitsy and don't know where to start I recommend reading the documentation, playing some bitsy games, or just fiddling with the editor! There's also a forum where you can ask for advice from or swap tips with other people making bitsy games. :)
Please make your game with one of the following: bitsy, mosi, or bipsi (hacks and forks are also fair game!)
Original image: Sherlock Holmes by Sidney Paget (Public Domain) . Converted to bitsy with pixsy.
Previous jams
Have a look at previous jam entries for inspiration!
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