This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-07-27 07:00:00 to 2024-08-12 06:59:59. View 16 entries

Welcome to the bitsy jam for july!


This month's theme is "INTENTIONALLY BAD".

As always, the theme can be the core of your game, or just a small reference. The point is to have fun and make something! :) 

About bitsy

It's a little engine for little games, worlds, and stories! If you're new to bitsy and don't know where to start I recommend reading the documentation, playing some bitsy games, or just fiddling with the editor! There's also a forum where you can ask for advice from or swap tips with other people making bitsy games. :)


Please make your game with one of the following: bitsy, mosi, or bipsi (hacks and forks are also fair game!)


Original image:  Jempol Ngadep Bawah (cropped).jpg by Pinerineks (CC BY-SA 4.0) . Converted to bitsy with pixsy.

Previous jams

Have a look at previous jam entries for inspiration!


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explore a gay little moon and discover the source of your gender envy ~
Visual Novel
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you're the fastest person in the world!
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Visual Novel
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Submission for Intentionally Bad Bitsy Jam 82
Interactive Fiction
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the choice to behave or not is in your paws.
Interactive Fiction
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Interactive Fiction
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10,000 poor landscapes
Interactive Fiction
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in which i reference better games
Interactive Fiction
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Interactive Fiction
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You're a courier for the continent's favorite beverage!
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It's my short take on the "intensionally bad" theme for the bitsy jam.
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you choose you lose
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A tribute to bitsy display bugs.​
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