Submissions open from 2024-06-25 14:00:00 to 2024-07-01 15:00:00
Voting ends in
Submission is closed and voting is now in progress

Welcome to the Black Cat Jam!

The purrfect jam for cat lovers! 🐈‍⬛

Hii we're ghostie and Efe, an artist and a composer who have been joining a ton of jams recently! 👻🎵 We’ve wanted to host our own jam for a while since we always have so much fun participating in them; however, we didn’t feel like we had the right to, so we said we’d do it when we win a jam. Welp, it happened!! So now our dream can come true! :D

Both of us are crazy cat people who would love to play more games about cats, so we figured it was the perfect theme! We chose black cats specifically because they don’t tend to get as much love as others (and ghostie has one she’s obsessed with lol).


Starting stream VOD:

We will be playing submitted games on stream at 7pm (GMT+1) on the 1st of July

Rules & FAQ

Is there a theme for the jam?

THE OPTIONAL THEME IS CHAOS . Your game must include a black cat as a main feature though!

Can I submit a game that I started working on before the jam?

No. Please only submit games that were started during the jam period. It's ok to reuse basic code from other projects though (stuff like player movement script, etc).

Is there a maximum team size?

Only teams of 4 or less are eligible to win the prize. You can submit with any team size though!

Can I submit a game that I made for a different jam?

Sure! As long as it wasn't started before this jam, and includes a black cat!

Do I have to use a specific engine or tool?

Nope! Use whatever you need as long as your game can be played in browser and/or Windows and macOS.

Can I work on multiple games?

As long as they were all started during the jam period! We'd recommend spending your time polishing one game instead of trying to make multiple though. 

Can I use assets that were made by other people, or made before the jam?

As long as you have the rights to said assets and credit them properly go ahead!

Is AI allowed?

Do not use any AI generated content in the game or on the upload page.

Can I submit an unfinished or buggy game?

Sure! Even if your game isn't perfect it's definitely worth submitting!

Can I submit a game containing NSFW content?

Sexually explicit material is not allowed in this jam. Offensive and discriminatory games are also not allowed.

Slight blood and gore, adult topics, and explicit language are fine. Just make sure to mention this at the top of your game page/the start of your game. 

What are the rating categories going to be?


Who can rate the entries?

Anyone who had uploaded a game to the jam, or is set to 'contributor' on one of the games' upload pages, can rate entries during the week after the jam ends!

Is there a prize?

Each member of the winning team (4 members max) will get mailed a letter full of black cat stickers and a mini art print drawn by ghostie! :D A special role in the Discord server will also be given to the winners!

Join The Discord!

You can find people to team up with here! Or chat to other jam participants about your progress, cats, or whatever you want! :D

ghostie's baby!!