This jam is now over. It ran from 2019-03-15 19:00:00 to 2019-03-17 12:00:00. View results

The Blending Game Jam is a multi-medium game jam organized by the Bbug and Hands Can Dance.

Take a typical game jam, blend it with board games, card games and every other kind of games. 

Fun guaranteed!

This year theme: The end of the world. 


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An edgy conversation
A NPC struggles to survive in memory after its game has ended!
Politicat is a game greatly inspired by "Keep Talking And Nobody Explode"
Make The World End Your Way!
Card Game
Escape the hungry planet !
Deggstroy the world!
Miki monstre découvre qu'il est le héros de sa propre histoire. Quelle est sa destinée ?
Launch big birds at comets in VR
Vous avez eu l’honneur d’être sélectionné au nouveau jeu “Le monde a un Incroyable Vilain”.
Save the world from disasters... and yourself.
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Unity (3D) / VR - March 2019
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