This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-11-01 07:00:00 to 2022-12-01 08:00:00. View results

Hi all, and welcome to the first ever Blind Accessible Game Jam! We plan to run these jams four times a year or so, given the interest, so stay tuned for more to come!

Unlike many game jams, there is no theme per say for this jam, you simply must make a blind accessible game. The co-owners of 2MB Solutions (Michael and Billy) will be available to critique games throughout the jam, either on the community forum or over jitsi meet (link to be provided if requested), so don't hesitate to ask blind gaming veterans about how your game plays and feels to make it better! Do note that games must run in wine if written for windows, or run directly on linux or the web for us to play them. Also note that while it is not technically required to make your games run on as many platforms as you can, you will be rated on how wide ranging the platforms are you can play the game on, so it's highly recommended to export to as many platforms as possible. The easiest way to do this of course is to make an html5 build, though some browsers work better than others for html5 games, so we highly suggest to make downloadable binaries as well.

Rules and requirements of the jam:

* Games must be blind accessible, that is, playable with audio only, or a screen reader, etc. Games not meeting this criteria will be removed.

* Games may optionally have graphics, or other accessibility features, as long as the primary accessibility for blind people is there. It's recommended to carefully consider if the graphics of your game will give sighted players an advantage, especially if the game is a high score or multi player game.

* NSFW games are allowed, as long as it is obviously stated on the page and upon starting the game. Under no circumstances will games be accepted that include sexism, racism, or other negativity toward a specific group of people. Games containing excessive depictions of violence or sexual acts should not be submitted to this jam. Try to keep your games safe for teenagers or less.

* The jam host, 2MB Solutions, reserves the right to remove games for any reason if they violate these rules, or the spirit of the jam.

* Games must be made primarily during the jam, this means the game's code and assets must be made and/or picked out during the jam. Base code is allowed, as well as premade assets. Just be reasonable. If you submit a game that took you a year to make and it shows, your game will be removed. This jam is intended to get more blind accessible games out there, and to spread the word about blind gaming, not for people to advertise their premade game.

* No late submission will be allowed. Period. There is a month to make the game and submit it, so no excuses will be tolerated if you try to submit at the last second and don't make it.

* And over all, have fun! This jam is intended to foster learning about blind accessibility, so hopefully more indie developers will learn about this group of people who lack access to many games sighted players consider staples of the gaming scene.

Ranking criteria:

There are three criteria that your game will be rated on a five star system. The criteria are as follows:

* Audio: How well can the game be played completely by audio alone? How well integrated is the audio or music, and what is the quality of said assets?

* Fun: How fun is the game to play? Does it leave you wanting more, or wanting to come back and play again?

* Cross platform: How playable is the game on different desktop platforms (mac, windows, linux)? Can the game be played on mobile? Is there an html5 build for more cross platform play?

More information will be provided as the jam draws closer. However, if you have any questions in the mean time, please don't hesitate to contact 2MB Solutions:, or write on this jam's community forum.


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made for the Blind Accessible Game Jam#1
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