BFK To the Mooon 🌝
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BFK Warzone | Battle Fort Knox's pageGame build
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BFK WARZONE is a fun and addictive, point and shoot game. The game has many special abilities and items that can be used on top of SKILL to become the leader of the Warzone! There are also many characters (Forti's) to choose from. Best part which goes unnoticed, is the leadership and Core Team that has been developing and moving this project. Elie, Jayden And Matt, with years of experience, are building this project the right way, from the group up! Many partnerships have already been made, events attended, and even Awards already won! Definitely one of the best most developed and THOUGHT OUT action game on the Blockchain! This is really going to go far!
The rest of the Documentation can be found here:
Mobile Setup:
You can use Left and Right Controllers:
- Left Controller = Movement Direction ( Forward, Backward)
- Left Controller = Momentum Direction ( Rotate )
- Right Controller = Aim Rotation + Auto Fire
- Right Controller Extended Auto Fire
- Right Jump Button = Jump
- Right Special Ability Button = Active Special Ability
- Right Top Fire Button = Manual Firing
- Top Screen ( Lock Aim ) = Lock you aim is last direction
- Top Screen ( Auto Fire ) = Activate AutoFire & Reload
The shooting mechanics and firing mechanics are based on firing projectiles (bullets aimed at a subject). The main target of the game is to eliminate the other enemy by shooting until a kill has been marked.
Game Modes Description:
- Free to play: Kill and respawn until the game is completed when a round is over (Elimination XP Rated only)
- PvP Ranked Non-Stake: Enable Players to Matchmake with Active Ranking and Eliminations points
- PvP Ranked: Enable players to stack BFK TOKEN and get matched with other players looking to stack the same amount to add it to the pool of winnings linked to a smart contract will release the pool to the winner.
- Unranked: Set for experience-only gameplay. When you fight via coop in non-ranked mode, you can expand and upgrade your forti in fights, earning XP and kill points while you play without stacking or pooling BFK.
Assistance Radar:
Both on PC and Mobile, the Radar is set on the top right of the screen that shows Dots as your enemies or teammates depending on the game mode you are in. ( Green for Teammates, Red for Enemies, Yellow in Free for All mode )
Earning Mechanics:
BFK offers multiple ways to earn in the game, including Play/Trade-to-Earn, Stake-to-Earn, and Pay-to-Earn methods. Players can level up their Forti character, which can then be sold on the BFK marketplace at a price determined by the community. The game includes three types of gameplay (Ranked, Team & Events) and an upcoming battle-royale mode where players can earn a share of the pool as a reward. In addition, players can buy, sell, and trade NFT cards within the armory and earn airdrops while ranking up their commander level.
Download the game here:
Google Play:
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