This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-06-24 04:00:00 to 2022-07-07 04:00:00. View 5 entries

Hello there dear gamers, robots, fans and friends! Our game Boomerang X is about to turn ONE, so,  we are hosting this very special fan art competition to celebrate. 

For those who don't know, Boomerang X is a fast-paced, arena shooter style game that allows you to fling yourself through the air by harnessing the magic of a mysterious boomerang that you find on a far away island. It's a shooter game with NO GUNS ALLOWED and you also get to FLY. By embracing the wild and diving into the unknown, you can reach great new heights and make a ton of shiny enemies go *poof!* 


The Jam

  • Make a monster!
    • The world of Boomerang X is filled with tons of strange creatures that we all have come to know and love. Now, it's your turn to make one!
    • So, to celebrate this release, we would love for you all to make fan art of the game by designing a new enemy based on the ones in the game. 
    • We want you to have fun with this, so please take whatever liberties that you'd like when designing whatever it is that your heart desires for this competition.
    • We do have to mention that these designs will not be going into the game and that this competition is purely for fun (and the prizes listed below!

Judging & Prizes

  • MMMMMmmmm A treat, you say! Yes! Yes, dear reader, there will in fact be surPRIZES for three lucky winners!!
  • The criteria we will be judging with is on creativity and how much you are "willing to play in the space with us," meaning, more specifically:
    • How creative you can get with your designs! 
    • How different your design is from all the ones in the game
    • and lastly, creative technique!
  • Make of these things what you will, but mostly, just have fun with it! 
  • In the end, we will be choosing three winners (announced on our livestream on July 8th at 2pm via our Twitch) to get some specially curated DANG! merchandise!
    • The grand prize winner will be getting a big ol' bundle of fun things that we put together for you including stickers and some other fun surprises from our office! 
    • The two runner up's will also be receiving a bundle o' bits, albeit, one that is a bit smaller comparatively. 

We couldn't have made it this far without all of you, so are really just excited to be celebrating this landmark moment of our game having been out for a WHOLE YEAR! Time really flies when you're having fun, almost like a boomerang you might say...


If you have any questions about this jam, our game, the studio, or really anything else that might be itchin' at your noggin' feel free to reach out via any of our social media's all linked here:

Please also note that while we will be accepting submissions here on Itch, we will ALSO be accepting submissions on twitter and instagram through the use of the #BoomerangXBirthday. -- We wanted to keep this competition as open as possible to everyone, so feel free to submit on either (or both) of these platforms if you'd like to share your art out there as well! 

Thank you all for your support and love through the years and here's to many more!


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probably several more guys than is reasonable
My entry for the Boomerang X Birthday Jam