therapeutic in a way. It's the furthest from my first time of hearing these terms yet I explored this little museum like a curious child <3
Really good but the commentary felt out of place
I did get a little motion sick during some parts of the game. But overall as a trans person it was thought provoking and informative. A good game for any allies or LGBTQ members alike.
It' s an exploratory game where you read little info boxes about gender. The color contrast is too jarring for me with no way to change it.
It's so rare to play games where one really feels seen, but this really made me feel that and it brought me to tears as it often does. I really liked this experience and the level design was fun and I enjoyed exploring the space. Super nice job.
Adored every second of it. Truly the gender experience and also taught me things i didn't know. This has stuck to my mind since I went through it for the first time, amazing job with the atmosphere and the vibe and the overall everything!!