This jam is now over. It ran from 2025-02-02 11:00:00 to 2025-02-02 15:30:00. View 14 entries

Digital games can not only be entertaining but also provide learning opportunities for politically or socially relevant topics. At the bpb:Game Jam, we will be creative and develop appropriate games.

From January 31 to February 2, 2025, the event series will enter its next round. Within the framework of a three-day event, we aim to come up with new game ideas, conceptualize them, and finally implement them as playable prototypes. This year, the bpb:Game Jam will focus on the theme of 'Artificial Intelligence.'

Most of us were initially fascinated when ChatGPT and similar tools first created texts and images of groundbreaking quality. About two years later, AI-generated content has not only changed the internet and school life but also many professions, especially those closely related to IT or involved in media – for example, in the game industry. However, if not only routine tasks but also creative work is delegated to machines, what role does the human play? Is human intelligence degraded to mere training material for machines? And what are the implications of the concentration of power among the few providers of large AI models? How can society cope with a media reality where bots can generate unlimited texts and (fake) news, falsify photos, and imitate voices in a deceptively realistic manner?

At the bpb:Game Jam, we aim to develop games that provide thought-provoking insights into these complex themes and are intended for use in political education. On the first day (Friday), we will discuss the theme and appropriate methods of communication through digital games within a short Barcamp, a grassroots democratic conference where topics are spontaneously suggested by participants and discussed in 'sessions' of working groups. Subsequently, we will develop concrete game ideas and form groups to create a first prototype, for which Saturday and Sunday will be allocated. On Sunday afternoon, we will present the results to each other and test the developed prototypes.


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Halb-satirischer, dystopischer Behördenschreibtischsimulator
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your change of tracks will have consequences.
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you awake in a strange place
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Celeste with a Skip Button and an AI drone
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How to train a solarpunk AI
Fenster zu einer Zukunft mit künstlicher Intelligenz
Can you spot which of the statements made from AI models and which from humans?
Entry for the 2025 BpB game jam
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Ein unterhaltsames aber auch herausforderndes Analogspiel zum Thema KI für 4 Personen
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