Good use of atmosphere. The use of the constant footfalls was unnerving. However it gave the misimpression that there something was in the room that was not illuminated by the torch when the game started. I ended up running past a few messages as a result.
For the tutorial messages, I would recommend placing them near the skulls so that players are more likely to encounter them: I only read the message that explains what the skulls did after I backtracked to check for a path that I might have ran past.
The use of a limited torch duration is good because it kept me moving.
Encountering the few power ups that I did find did encourage me to backtrack and look around more for more potential goodies, which did add to my internal struggle of "Do I continue searching and be forced to traverse around blindly or retreat back to the skull and potentially not find my way back here?". The duration of the power ups felt low and that made the margin of error for the last section feel a bit tight.
Overall, a good concept and game.
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