I couldn't actually get the interaction working with the table, so it's hard to say what I'm missing out on ...
As it is, the binocular mechanics are fun. A bit slow for my liking (everything else - movement and the space between things) seemed to be faster and smoother, but generally they were fun to play around with.
Planes are cool - did they get made from scratch? Stylish. Not in keeping with the surroundings.
Also, the radar seemed to be working as well, which was pretty sweet.
All mechanics that would be interesting to play around with.
I didn't see as much potential for fun here as I'd have hoped, though. I feel like the awkward viewing angle of being in a tower in the middle of the action kinda difficult. If you were to make something out of this, you should explore a variety of themes and setups with the same mechanics - could you use this for some kind of surreal wildlife spotting, for example? A spy theme - spotting enemy agents in a crowd?
There's definitely possibilities hidden away, but in my opinion it needs more experimentation!
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