This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-10-04 11:43:02 to 2025-01-13 06:00:00. View 19 entries

It's Getting Cold in Iron Country

Bump in the Dark: Revised Edition is here, and to celebrate, we are hosting a jam! We'll be making things for Bump in the Dark including:

  • Hunts/mysteries
  • Hunter or pact playbooks
  • New locations to fill out Iron Country
  • Totally new, bespoke settings
  • Playsets that tweak and tune the rules of the game for other settings or types of play
  • New factions for the hunters to interact with
  • Special and monstrous abilities
  • New or alternate rules
  • Game aids, tools, random tables, lists of clues, etc.
  • Your own original games based on Bump in the Dark or Hunters, Inc.
  • Non-game stuff inspired by Bump and Iron Country, such as fiction, music, poetry, video games, etc.

Whatever you are interested in making, we are interested in seeing!

(Optional) Prompt

The theme for this year's jam is "Cold Iron Blues," which you can interpret however you like. Maybe your supplement has themes related to cold temperature or winter. Maybe it takes place inside the iron mine. Or is about faeries. Maybe it's music related. Or it's about someone who has the blues. Or it involves the color blue. All of that is great!

You also don't have to use the prompt if you don't want. It's just there to inspire you and get you thinking.

Bundle for a Cause

Once the jam is over, participants can optionally chose to include their submission in a bundle which will be sold for $10-20 (depending on how many entries we get), with all proceeds going to the Gerald L. Ignace Indian Health Center in Milwaukee, WI, a community-based and culturally sensitive healthcare clinic focusing on the physical and emotional health of Milwaukee's Native American community. They provide medical, dental, pharmacy, and behavioral health services in a patient-centered model based on the philosophy that in order to heal, every part of a human being must be addressed: the mind, the body, the spirit, and emotions. 

This will be our second bundle for a cause, and the first raised $750 for  Pathfinders, a local, Milwaukee-based organization dedicated to connecting youth with housing and mental health support. The format of the jam and bundle are modeled after the Wilkie's Goody Jams from Wilkie's Candy Lab


  • You are allowed to reference any content from Bump in the Dark: Revised Edition or Hunters, Inc., including setting content, but if you use actual text from either game, you must abide by the license in the book.
  • You are allowed and encouraged to sell your work on your own Itch page.
    • That includes work that references the setting, as long as you abide by the license. 
    • Please consider including community copies. 
    • We may request a download code to review it.
  • Works-in-progress are totally cool as long as they are in a playable or usable state.
  • You can submit new works or old stuff.
  • Additionally, multiple submissions are totally cool and very much appreciated!
  • Content warnings are suggested but not mandatory.
  • Optional: You may use the text "Made for the Cold Iron Blues Jam" on your submission's Itch page or your PDF for any content created specifically for the jam.

Other Rules

  • Any submissions that are deemed to have no connection to Bump in the Dark will be disqualified and removed from the jam.
  • Any submissions containing or encouraging bigotry will be disqualified and removed from the jam.
  • No AI or LLM-produced content is allowed. Any AI/LLM-produced content will be disqualified and removed from the jam.


Please note that the following templates use the free font Bebas Neue as a stand-in for the heading, CryptCreep, which is a licensed font. If you wish to license it yourself, you may do so here.

  • Trifold pamphlet hunt templates: Affinity, InDesign [coming soon], PDF
  • Playbook templates: Affinity, InDesign [coming soon], PDF
  • Extended playbook templates: Affinity, InDesign [coming soon], PDF
  • Faction templates: Affinity, InDesign [coming soon], PDF
  • You can use these clocks for your hunts if you want (just give Jex Thomas credit)
  • If you are making a hunt, you must include a version of this text file with licensing information in the download
  • Other templates and resources may be able to be provided upon request
  • The Last Pine Press  Discord has helpful folks to consult with and can provide other resources!


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Monster Hunting, Forged in the Dark
A fan-favorite comes to town in this trifold pamphlet scenario.
Clocks for Forged in the Dark and other TTRPGSs
A Campaign for BUMP IN THE DARK
A custom playbook for Bump in the Dark
A custom playbook for Bump In The Dark!
A Hunt for Bump in the Dark
A bottle episode hunt for Bump in the Dark made for the Cold Iron Blues jam
A faction supplement for Bump in the Dark
A Hunt for Bump in the Dark
A pack of 10 original illustrations to use in your hunt or at your table
A Hunt for Bump in the Dark
A hunt for Bump in the Dark