The Beloved Betsy is a ship, well was a ship, until all the mutiny, murder, and muck that sent it crashing into some rocks. Then on to a sandbar. Left to be hammered by the sea, until nothing was left on the ship but barnacles. Who the hell...
The Repentant is an ash-laden, 1-shot scenario for PIRATE BORG! Adrift upon the coastal waters is a wretched vessel, its crew a rag-tag selection of gaunt faces and smoldering ember eyes. What lies in the cabins and hold will shape the fate...
A class for Pirate Borg, the Bitter Blackleg lives their lives seeking the thrill from any game of chance they can find. Bitter Blackleg is an independent production by Thomas Geno-Stumme (Munkymoto). It is not affiliated with Limithron LLC...
Embark with a treasure map to El Dorado, guiding adventurers through the lush, untamed jungles of Colombia on a hex crawl to uncover the legendary City of Gold. As they delve into the city's ancient secrets, players can choose to unravel it...
Welcome four new crewmates aboard your ship, damned and blessed in equal measure. New classes contained within these soggy pages: Mutant Champion: A killer "rewarded" for its ferocity with a monstrous form Holy Diver: A deep sea diver festo...
Set sail for adventure in the dark waters of the Caribbean with "Spirits High Waters Deep," a hexcrawl for Pirate Borg! Delve into the heart of the pirate-infested seas as you and your crew explore the haunted remnants of a famed pirate's s...
A literal child, abandoned by your parents and the world around you, you've quickly learned to adapt and use your youth and natural cunning to your advantage. The Urchin Class is an independent production by Todd A. Mayville. It is not affi...