This jam is now over. It ran from 2025-01-12 21:00:10 to 2025-01-19 08:00:00. View 421 entries


Southern California has been hit by an incredibly destructive wildfire which is tracking to become the most destructive in California history. More than 10,000 structures have been leveled and 16 people have died so far, as of January 12, 2025.

The affected neighborhoods include a diverse swath of California residents, from the rich to the poor to the unhoused. 150,000 people are currently under evacuation orders.

We are organizing this bundle to support those affected by the fire with direct financial assistance, and grants to rebuild community in the future. We are asking game developers, tabletop creators, anyone who makes paid products on itch to submit their work to this bundle.

Information about joining the bundle:

- joining the jam means you consent to having your game in this bundle.
- paid games only. We are making this bundle to do good, but some folks will be buying it because of the "value" for better or for worse. More free games also increases the vetting process on our end dramatically. This means all free games will be rejected, please don't submit them (nor change your game from free to paid right before submitting, we will know).
- The call for games will run until Saturday the 18th at midnight Pacific time.
- The bundle, if all goes well, will launch Monday the 20th.

The charity:

The charity we will be supporting is the California Fire Foundation. They support victims of fire with financial assistance, including funds to help rebuild homes, secure temporary housing, et cetera. They also support families of fire fighters that have died on the job, and grants for community organizations that rebuild affected areas over the long term. You can see more about what they're doing here:

In our charity selection process the main considerations were:

- are they accredited
- do they have a decent candid score in terms of income vs spend:
- will they be able to help going forward, as these funds will not become immediately available to them. 

Note that I (Brandon Sheffield) will be following up with them personally to see what they do with the funds.


Why are we the ones doing this?
We have experience with bundles. We at Necrosoft organized the successful bundle for Ukraine (, have been participants in or organizers of multiple bundles with, and are familiar with the vetting process. And personally I (brandon) am a California native and care about its wellbeing. Friends of mine have lost their houses. California is a sanctuary state for many marginalized people, and I want it to be as easy as possible for people to live here.

How does the money stuff work?
The money goes to (it does not pass through us or our company), who then gives it directly to the charity organization.

What price will you set?
Aiming for $10 currently. I may raise it depending on certain factors - it's always a tricky balance where the aim is to generate the most money. Too high and people may balk, even though it's ultimately a great value regardless. Too low and you don't make enough.

How long will it take for the org to get the money?
In our experience it can take a few months, especially if the bundle makes a lot of money, which is why we chose an organization with longer-term, wider-reaching goals, that provide ongoing financial assistance.

Can I submit a project that uses GenAI?
No, not even as a joke, not even just for your hero image, not in any capacity.

Can I submit non-commercial/free projects?
No, we're not accepting non-commercial projects. Everything we are doing for this bundle is to create monetary value that people will pay for. I know this sounds crass but this is about making money for charity, so making money is the focus. Again, if your project was free recently and you change it to paid, we will reject it. Sorry!

My game isn't on itch, how can I help?
You can put your game on! You've got a week, and it's not that hard to do. Raw Fury joined specifically to submit to the Ukraine bundle - if they can do it so can you.

Can I submit multiple things?
Yes, but please select no more than 4 projects/items, remembering that all must be paid.

Can I submit non-games?
Yes, any project page that has a URL on is good, as long as it's paid content. You can submit tabletop games, dev tools, etc.

Can I submit adult content?
No, sorry! We want this bundle to be media friendly for maximum reach and you know how people get. Just use your discretion. We will also be vetting for this.

Can I submit my project after the bundle has started?
No, sorry! 

Will Steam (or other external keys) be given with a purchase?
No. It's too difficult to coordinate and can wind up inviting scammers. Only projects will be considered for this bundle.

I'm worried people might already have my game from another bundle.
That's okay. Obviously we want as much new stuff as possible but there will be new people buying this bundle, and there will be new games in it. So don't be shy.

Will you be vetting games?
Yes. I have a small group of people who have volunteered to help, and we will be checking whether games have any content that could be considered detrimental to the cause. 

Why are you doing a bundle for California when you could be doing one for X other cause?
There is always a crisis somewhere, and we have been involved in the organization or support for 5 bundles for a variety of causes. This is the one we have chosen to face today.

Once again noting that all choices made for this bundle will be oriented toward making money for the charity, at my best discretion. I reserve the right to contradict myself in service of that goal.