This jam is now over. It ran from 2025-02-07 17:00:00 to 2025-02-09 17:30:00. View results


Entry rules

  • Participants must be students of any UK university (studying any course!) or academic staff of University of Cambridge.
  • Participants from the University of Cambridge can choose to participate either online or in-person, but all other participants must participate online. 
  • Team sizes are limited to 4 people - if your team size is greater than that, we will split you into smaller groups.

Submission rules

  • All submissions to the Jam must follow our Code of Conduct.
  • You retain all rights to any games and other content you make during the jam.
    • It is in the spirit of the jam to make the majority of code and assets you are using in your game during the jam however you can use any assets you are legally allowed to use as long as you credit it correctly in your submission.
  • Submissions must support Windows 10/11 or Web at minimum.
  • Submissions must not require additional software to be installed in order to run.
  • You may submit compressed .zip/.rar/.7zip file if the submission is too big for ( has a 1GB limit)


All submissions
Browser playable (5)
Windows (14)
macOS (1)
Linux (4)
No we did not make the majority of sound/music for the game during the jam (4)
Yes we made the majority of sound/music for the game during the jam (15)
No we did not make the majority of art for the game during the jam (2)
Yes we made the majority of art for the game during the jam (17)

No submissions match your filter

cat meow meow moew
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A puzzle game about figuring out the rules
Magical puzzle game, where your senses shape reality itself
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Entry for CamGameJam 2025
Mix music to change the world
Cambridge Game Jam 2025: Chromesthesia
A musical platformer game
Use your voice to interact with these wobbly worlds!
Rewire yourself...
Conveying the feeling of being a speedy spider
Survive a musical barrage
Listen to the fourth dimension with a Fourier transform
Recover your life as a soup chef while exploring a garden of memories
Role Playing
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Help Steven with his stress
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Cambridge Gamejam 2024!
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Press E to squeak