This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-10-10 04:00:00 to 2022-11-01 03:59:59. View 29 entries

October marks the FIRST anniversary of Caltrop Core. It’s been a whole year since I released the system, and we’ve all come such a long way! We’ve been featured in Dicebreaker, the microgrant program was featured in Gizmodo, and at the end of this month, I’m joining April Kit Walsh (Gay Spaceship Games, Thirsty Sword Lesbians) and Jay Dragon (Possum Creek Games, Wanderhome) on a panel at Big Bad Con! We’re discussing how to foster creative communities around your games. It’s really a dream come true for me. And I have you to thank for all this. Let's celebrate.

As part of this grand celebration, I'm releasing Caltrop Core EX, a brand new way to make your own TTRPGs. Inside, I show you how I personally use the Caltrop Core system. It's different enough that I wanted to release it on its own, and yes, it's still free. Click this link to get a copy.

And then, when the game jam starts on October 10, I'm also releasing EMERGE8, yet another way to make your own TTRPGs. Which means you'll have not one... not two... but THREE systems to choose from when making your game! The jam will go until the end of October, and I hope you have a wonderful time. All you have to do is make a game and submit it before the deadline.

Caltrop Core Microgrant

As part of the 3rd jam, I'm bringing back the Caltrop Core Microgrant program. I'm hoping to raise a total of $450, so I can give $100 to 3 queer PoC designers, as well as an additional $50 to the original 3 recipients (to bring their total funding to the $100 level). If you're interested in donating, please contact me via my website ( and email me with a dollar amount you'd like to pledge. Either way, I'll be giving each new recipient $50, so please don't feel any pressure to donate if you don't want to or can't.

If you are a queer PoC game designer, you can get more info and apply by clicking here.

Which SRD Should I Use?

Now that we have 3 SRDs to choose from, I figured I'd give you a quick start guide. In my opinion, all 3 SRDs are beginner friendly.

Caltrop Core "Classic"

Use if…

  • This is your first time making a TTRPG
  • You want something straightforward
  • You know you like CC and already have an idea for it

Caltrop Core EX

Use if… 

  • You want tactical combat and don’t mind writing lots of d4 tables
  • You don’t want tactical combat but still want tactical narrative choices
  • The idea of always rolling 3d4 sounds elegant to you rather than boring

(To be clear, EX is NOT a 2e, and you won’t have to change any of your old CC games to a new edition or anything. EX is simply another way to make a game.)


Use if…

  • You’re excited to try out a brand new system 
  • You like d8s
  • You like games with a lot of interpretive freedom for players and want to build one yourself


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A solo RPG about a vampire surviving the night.
a hybrid tarot/d4 TTRPG generator and system
A Dark Academia TTRPG
A GM-less fantasy TTRPG for 1-4 players.
A jackass necromancer just raised you back to un-life. Now what?
A Post-Apocalyptic Survival Horror TTRPG
You've found yourself without clothes! Run before The Clothiers catch you!
Role Playing
A Table Top RPG of Apocalyptic Warrior Nuns
2 Player tactical-lite game built on Caltrop Core
A game of modular superpowers
A TTRPG of specialists performing daring missions, daring adventures, and astonishing heists.
A solo SRD for Caltrop Classic EX derived games
Play as swashbuckling parrots in this TTRPG
A solo framework for inclusion in Caltrop based games.
A Caltrop Core game about low-paid workers saving the day
A solo Caltrop Core game about a world unable to look past the monster it thinks you are.
A little game for creating dungeons.
Animals on a magical island must defend their home from human invaders!
A game in which what you can do is the very essence of your being
Bind world-making beings to your wish with Caltrop Core
A wild one-page tabletop roleplaying game!
Virtual streamer shenanigans at StreamingCon
A TTRPG about anthropomorphic marine animals, their paint-flinging weapons, and their style.
A Caltrop Core game of anarchist warlocks who've found themselves caring for a baby deity.