This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-05-19 08:41:53 to 2022-05-19 16:00:00. View 4 entries


🔧 Create a game/ experience with the discussed technique.

🤐 Make sure that the game can be player without your interference. It shouldn't be needed that you explain the rules in person, or guide the player while they play.

🧰 The game can be either completely playable on the chosen platform or require the players to use additional tools. I.e. it can be a mixed reality board game, where the digital part is only part of the experience. In the case of the latter, you need to provide all the other materials for the presentation.

✨ The project doesn’t have to be polished (there’s only a little time) but should be playable from start to finish. 

🤝 The game doesn't have to enforce its rules (if there are any). You can assume that the player will cooperate and not cheat. However make it so, that it is easy to follow said rules and not to accidentally break them.

Additional Notes

📊 Try to use the advantages of the chosen platform. The games shouldn't be simply a worse version of a game existing elsewhere

📅 The games will likely become unplayable over time as the platforms you use change. That's fine; it's part of the fun.

⚙️ Iteration is key. Try to make a first playable prototype as soon as possible, so you can refine it after. 

🔍 Check for technical limitations. I.e. if you use youtube, upload a test video.

🗑️ Don’t make it trashy. It's hard to make it "good trashy" and not just cheap.

👪 Make it for a wider audience, not only for fellow CGL students.

🖥️ Make sure that the game is playable by multiple people. I.e if it’s a google sheet, don’t give out edit rights, but suggest to users to make a copy for themselves.

⚖️ Balancing is hard, and there's not a lot of time.

📺 Consider choosing a platform which has a balance of interesting storytelling options if needed, but which isn’t completely one-directional, where the player isn't a mere observer.

🧠 You can disregard any of the points above if you do it intentionally, with a reason.


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impersonate your friends, be more them than them themself
a collection of 3 party games you can play right now in your browser with friends