This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-01-02 05:00:00 to 2020-02-01 05:00:00. View 2 entries

“Welcome to Greenwood!” the sign cheerily states. Less welcoming to you is the low population number, written in red. Is that… blood?

Welcome one and all to the (first?) Chateau Game Jam! This jam is to inspire the creative side of the Chateau’s dwellers and give them a chance to dip their toes in some game makin’, be they new or experienced at it!

It’s a simple jam: we give you a theme, and you make a game based on that theme, in whatever interpretation you so wish. Writing, genre, gameplay, it’s all up to you, as long as the theme is in place. This theme?

A Small Town with Big Secrets

You are free to use whatever engine and whatever resources that you like. Anything is fair game, As for the content itself, please observe and respect the same rules as you would for the Chateau discord server.

At the end of the game jam, the hosts will be streaming all the games so we can all enjoy them together!

At night, you hear the howling of wolves. Nothing strange, but they sound like they’re coming from inside the inn.

You can keep up to date with the jam by joining the Chateau discord. We’ll have a channel set up where all jammers can discuss their progress! We’ll also be holding a weekly sneak peek event where you have the chance to give us a glimpse of what you’re working on, be that a map, a piece of dialogue, or anything else you want to share!

So without further ado, why not join and make some games with us?

All the villagers were staring at you. One elderly lady walks over to you, a desperate plea in her eyes. “You won’t tell anyone, will you?”


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A small town mall has a big secret.