What is a game jam, and why should I join this one?
Game jams are a timed competition where games are created (typically in teams) and then rated against each other. Jams are an incredible way to complete a finished project in a short period of time. You can make new connections and lasting memories, and must importantly, have fun! They are also an incredible way to add completed, polished products to portfolios.
In the Chili Code Jam, you will have one week to design and develop a full game based around the theme which will be announced on the jam start date. The creation period is Saturday, March 8th, 12:00am GMT to Saturday, March 15th, 12:00am GMT. You can use any engine and make your game 2d or 3d.
With a one-week creation time, you have pressure to work, but plenty of time to chill! Any questions? Message navybluechilipeppers on discord for help!
Teams can be a max size of 5 for fair voting.
Team Looking for an artist? Chili Code Jam will have many professional artists-in-training from Luxark looking to join a team! Check the team formation channel in the discord server.
Artist looking for a team? Check the team formation channel in the discord server for empty teams. Otherwise, try finding teams in other, more popular discord servers. (ie: #1, #2)
No team? No problem! Post in the team formation channel in the discord, and if you can't find a team by the jam start date, you will be slotted into a team with other people.
Any contributor is allowed to vote, so please be fair. Game jams aren't about winning, but having fun!
All submissions must be created in the time period listed above. Premade assets must be declared and given credit to, and NO AI IS PERMITTED in the creation of any assets.
Keep all content SFW.
Please don't start working until the beginning of the game jam.
Luxark is a concept artist studio that provides a 8 week training mentorship for students. After the training mentorship is completed, you will be provided with an in-house, paid job working on indie games. This will be either within the internal Luxark studio or with one of their many indie game partners.
Luxark's Indie Game partners are scouting out new employees in the game jam... 👀👀
FAQ & Useful information
What categories are games ranked in? Gameplay/Fun, Graphics, Music and Sound, Creativity and Theme.
What if I don't finish? What if my game is terrible? That's alright! Game jams are a great place to try your hand at development, and even if you don't finish, you'll have learned something along the way. You can still submit an unfinished game if you choose to.
Which programs or asset resources can I use? Any! Just do not use AI when creating assets for your game, and properly credit any premade assets.
I've never joined a game jam before, how do you submit? One teammate, typically the programmer, will upload their game to itch.io and then submit it to the game jam. The submitter can add all their teammates to the game as a contributor.
Who can vote? Anybody marked as a contributor on game jam submissions can vote.
Do I have to make my game have an in-browser playable WebGL build? No, but a lot of jammers won't download games from jam to their computer. You will probably get more people voting on your game if they can play it in-browser.
GAME FILES ARE LOCKED AFTER THE SUBMISSION PERIOD IS OVER! There is no grace period, so please submit your games in time! Submit at least an hour early and playtest it to make sure there are no simple bugs. (Eg: setting a variable game breakingly high for debugging, but forgetting to change it back)
So, What's unique about Chili Code Jam?
I will play submitted games on stream for everyone! The post-jam stream is a fun time for all the submitters to talk about their game and watch me (poorly) play theirs.
There will be a comic contest hosted in the discord! The funniest comic strip about a shrimp, as voted on by others, will receive a cash prize of $5! More details in the discord.
Any questions? Message navybluechilipeppers or ask in the Chili Code Jam Discord!