This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-10-29 01:00:00 to 2020-10-31 17:00:00. View 5 entries
PROMPT - "Don't touch the water"
It is dark. You grab a flashlight and peer into the night, only to see a twisting, spiraling narrative approaching! It is almost here, and its name carries on the wind: the Choose-Your-Own Game Jam.
To beat this eldritch horror, you must submit a branching narrative game with multiple endings, be it card game or video game or any other sort of game!
But act fast: the jam only lasts for three days!
Your prompt will be given on launch, and then you will craft your weapon to beat the Game Jam Monster... if you dare.
Hosted by Arkansas State University Game Design program!
Check us out by emailing for more info.
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