This jam is now over. It ran from 2017-07-01 07:00:00 to 2017-08-01 19:00:00. View 24 entries


Make a clicker in July, submit it when you're done, use #clickclickclick when talking about it on twitter!


Clicker games are great!

No, really. They do an awesome job of fitting into the available time people have to play, they can work in almost any theme, and they are fertile ground for layering the core mechanics/growth with secondary game systems to make new and interesting combinations.

They are also super simple to get started! Can you make a number that goes up when a player clicks a button? Congratulations, you just made a clicker. Now where will you take it from there?

Need some inspiration? Here are some clicker games to look at:

If you need some help starting to break down the math for progression and upgrades, this series of articles is very well done:


You've got all July! I know it can be tough to fit jams in around work, family, etc. So here's plenty of time to knock something out. Don't feel obligated to use all the time if you don't want to! If you want to make your game in a week, feel free. The time is just there for folks who need to spread stuff out.


This is a unjudged contest, it's just for fun! Any platform is fine, I'm kind of curious what a mess a VR clicker would be... hmmmmm. Like I said before the jam runs for the entire month of July.


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Browser playable (15)
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Linux (4)
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Ever wonder what it feels like to be a comment troll? I guess you know already. But still, play this game.
My first pico8 game made for clickclickclick and fc jams
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A clicker for #clickclickclick jam, July 2017
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A Halloween themed clicker adventure
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simple chair clicker
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A small clicker about a small civilization. Made for "All you do is click click click" game jam.
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a short clicker story with feedback animations made for #clickclickclick jam
Visual Novel
obviously a clone of Flappy Bird and This is my second game.
A clicker game with many ressources.
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the universes greatest(?) space mining clicker
Simple clicker with alien Theme
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Click for caffeine
Help this triangle boy fulfil his dreams of being a sports star!
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Try to juggle the ball as long as you can
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Clicker game created for the "All You Do is Click Click Click" Game Jam.
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Make the students pay attention and learn!
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cinder block based idle game
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Virtual Donkey Pinata
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Idle. Incremental. simulation of bacterian ecosystem.