This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-04-30 16:00:00 to 2023-12-30 16:00:00.
CliCli gameathon is an exciting creator program aimed at developing quality content in a collaborative environment. This is not a competitive contest, and we're not soliciting your work. Have an interesting game idea? Make it in CliCli Editor with ease and submit your game to us anytime. If your game is approved, we will invite players to try it out. Great talents will also be invited to CliCli Partner Program which offers development assistance and more!
-Use the link below to fill out a short sign-up form:
-A CliCli staff member will be assigned to you upon completion
-During the development, your assigned staff member will reach out to you every Wednesday to discuss your progress and blocking issues.
-Staff members may assist both with technical issues, and game design direction / feedback.
-Once you're done developing, notify your assigned staff member and upload your game to the atf
--Review the upload process:
-Notify your assigned staff member by 20th of each month, otherwise your entry will be play-tested and reviewed the following month.
-Game name
-Game description, introducing the background and rules of the game clearly
-Publish your game once the initial review process is complete
-No updates will be accepted until after the full review process is completed
-If there is a gameplay-disrupting bug caused by a CliCli patch, you may be asked to update your game
-Only games that reach at least a C tier rating may be entered agai
-If you wish to submit repeat entry, a detailed content update plan is required
-Once the update plan is approved, you will be provided with an estimated payout based on the updates you propose
-If you agree, these are the standards your game update will be held to
-Payout will be determined by both CliCli rating score and player rating score
-The player test will start on the 24th of each month
-Maximum payout: $2,500 (CliCli rating) + $500 (Player rating) = $3,000
--Scoring sheet:
-Your game will be reviewed only based on the updated content
-Maximum payout $2,500
--Scoring sheet:
When is the submission deadline?
There is no deadline for CliCli Game-a-thon submission. You may submit your game when you feel it is ready.
How many games can you submit?
You may submit as many projects as you want to. However, we strongly recommend you focus on the quality of each project before turning them in.
What is the weekly sync-up?
Every week we will check in to see the progress of your game - you’re not limited to these check-ins though. This is not mandatory.
We are here to assist both with technical issues, and game design direction / feedback.
What types of games are we looking for?
There is no preferred genre. We are looking for complete, well thought out games.
When will you receive the payment after your game is reviewed?
Payment will be processed starting on the 1st of each month.
Need help with technical issues?
Should you run into a critical issue, you may submit a report via our website:
Once you have filled out a report, please link it to your assigned staff member.
Follow us on social media:
CliCli Dev Discord:
CliCli Player Discord:
CliCli Reddit:
CliCli Twitter:
CliCli Facebook:
CliCli Page: