" That was the one that irked her the most — its beady eyes glimmered like black beetles in her dream, holding within them some dark, forbidden secret." Aardvark is an experimental work loosely inspired by Egyptian mythology. Currently a...
Boss Battle game but you play as the boss. Press [Space] to shoot fireball. Press [F] to shoot fire beam. Press [E] to do a firebreath. WASD to move. [Left Arrow] and [Right Arrow] to rotate.
You must collect in a Dungeon 10 diamonds. That would not be a problem, but: You can't move forward, only backwards (and left and right). There are monsters, don't touch them (they are not moving)
Search way to die as you progress from modern era to dinosaur era This game is made for Code Block Game Jam Game Hint level 1:make sure the computer can kill you level 2:make the mafia trust you by giving a good thing on his birthday and do...
Created in a small handful of hours, Counting Backwards isn't going to win any awards. The rules are simple: Press Play to start a round Once the round starts, count down from 32 to 1 by clicking on the corresponding buttons Try to beat you...