This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-10-15 15:00:00 to 2022-11-29 15:00:00. View results

Hi, I'm Charlie from EX1ST GAMES and I want to welcome you to write a 1500-word RPG module with a COIN as the central story element. And after that, please enter it into my very first Game Jam. I'm new here, so I also need some help with this :D

I want everybody, especially CoinSides owners, to find great RPG content to play. The existing CoinSides Adventure Sparks in our library are released as a series of free-to-download PDF files exclusively from the EX1ST GAMES website. I want to find new works to add to this library.


· 1500 words (there abouts)
· Featuring a coin as the central story element
· Following the general structure as outlined here or at the bottom of this page.

No artwork is necessary.


· Portability - How easy it is to play in a variety of settings and systems.
· Originality - How original the story is, and how well does it incorporate CoinSides.
· Quality - How good the writing is.

All in equal measure.


The best entry will win $100 and a CoinSides of their choice.
The second-best entry will win a CoinSides of their choice.


All entries will receive feedback if humanly possible. I love feedback.


All rights remain with the creators. You can name your own price, but a copy must be provided for review by the judge.
I am keen to expand the library of Adventure Sparks and may contact participants to discuss the possibility of being permanently included.


Adventure Sparks are modules or mini side-quests that can be inserted into nearly any existing adventure. Some details and characters have been kept intentionally vague so you can plug in the best-fitting Adventure Sparks into your home campaign.

The idea behind these “Sparks” is that they provide GMs with a 'spark' of inspiration to expand their own adventures. An Adventure Spark has just enough info in it to allow for a decent zero-prep quest, but also enough for a GM to flesh it out as much as they want.

The core concept is that these aren't full-fledged adventures, but rather side-quests you can easily plug into any existing adventure. People are encouraged to use them right away, in tandem with whatever module or campaign they are currently playing, rather than having to wait until they're out of ideas and start running third-party material.

The structure is deliberately simple and should include the following sections throughout the series:
· BACKGROUND - Information needed to understand the Adventure Spark.
· SETUP - 3 different, original ways to get the Adventure Spark started.
· SCENES - 2 to 4 suggested scenes the GM can easily weave into their campaign.
· AFTERMATH - Explaining how things turn out at the Adventure Spark’s conclusion.
· All in 1,500 words, plus or minus 20%.

Some Adventure Sparks may complement each other by expanding on a certain location or lore. When another Adventure Spark is referenced, it is only as a suggestion not a requirement to the end user.

Adventure Sparks format was devised by Bart Wynants @critographer


CoinSides is a 2" metal coin with holes and a tip in the middle. You can spin it like a top. It also has numbers on each side which represent different dice. You can use it as a die by stopping the coin when spinning to reveal your "roll". It is also a timer, a cipher, a compass, a medallion, an amulet, a key, a mirror, a portal... or whatever you can think of.


I will be posting about each entry on Twitter. Feel free to share the love using #CoinSidesJam


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A system-agnostic adventure spark themed around greed
An Adventure Spark made for #coinsides game jam.
RPG side-quest supplement following the CoinSides Adventure Spark format
RPG side-quest supplement following the CoinSides Adventure Spark format
A CoinSides Adventure Sparks Jam Entry. System Agnostic.