This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-07-06 15:00:00 to 2023-08-07 15:00:00. View results

Hi folks and welcome to the second game jam by EX FIRST GAMES. We are here to celebrate the creative community and inclusive space that is TTRPG. Yes! I'm your host, Charlie, and I'm here to inspire you to write something special, something truly yours, and share it with the world. There will be winners, and there will be those who don't participate. So let's get started.


CoinSides Adventure Sparks (Sparks for short) are modular, system-agnostic supplements that can easily be incorporated into an existing tabletop roleplaying campaign to add color and depth to the world and story. They can be side quests, events, locations, lore, or anything. However, they must have a coin as the central theme and follow the same structure devised by Bart Wynants: 

· BACKGROUND - Information needed to understand the Spark.
· SETUP - 3 different, original ways to get the Spark started.
· SCENES - 2 to 4 suggested scenes the GM can easily weave into their campaign.
· AFTERMATH - A section explaining how things turn out at the Spark’s conclusion.
· All in 1,500 words, plus or minus 20%, written by you, and suitable for most ages.


All participants are winners. And that is that! Congratulations to you for putting the effort into making something great, completing it, and sharing it. This game jam will have two special winners. One of them will be chosen by YOU, the public, and the other by ME, using the following criteria, all in equal measure:

· THE COIN - How well does it incorporate a coin thematically and mechanically?
· THE STORY - How plausible, imaginative, and different is the story?
· THE WRITER -  How well-written and structured is the content?

Both winners will receive a CoinSides of their choice. What is a CoinSides? I'm so glad you asked. Please see the last section for more inspiration. For now, here are the CoinSides.


All participants retain all rights to their entries and can share them for free or for pay. There is no limit to the number of entries you can enter. Entries must be submitted via itch and one copy should be made available for judging.

After the winners are announced, some of the entries will be considered for inclusion in the CoinSides Adventure Sparks Library. This is a paid opportunity of roughly $100 per Spark, and 100% optional. All of last year's participants took up the offer.

It is no small coincidence that this game jam coincides with our 3rd CoinSides Kickstarter. This a great way to promote both the crowdfunding campaign and the jam - at the same time. What is more exciting is that there are already 2000 CoinSides owners out there and many of them would love to get some Sparks. I really hope this becomes an exciting and active jam with a large audience for your work.

Yep. Everyone is a winner! Get writing.

· START DATE - 2023.07.07
· END DATE - 2023.08.08
· VOTING END DATE - 2023.09.09


EX FIRST GAMES is run by Charles Ward @ex1stgames

The previous CoinSides Adventure Sparks Jam has a few sample entries.
But you can find all the Sparks on my itch here

Read more about the CoinSides Adventure Sparks project on my website.
The Sparks concept was devised by Bart Wynants @critographer.
Nikola R. Petrov provided legal help.

CoinSides was on Kickstarter in 2021, 2022, and now in 2023.

The cover image for this Jam is by Adam Jicha.


CoinSides are 2" metal coins that can spin as a top and can be used to roll a random number. Yes, they are dice. But not just any dice. They are all the dice. Each CoinSides is able to forge all the TTRPG dice you love, from a D2 to a D100, into a single luxurious wearable gaming accessory. There are many more features that you can tap into for your entry. Trust me, these are really amazing prizes. Two overfunded Kickstarter campaigns later and only a small percentage of people know what everyone else is missing out on. There are three models to inspire you, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Please consider these features when writing your entry.

Classic CoinSides (red and blue)
Cthulhu CoinSides (purple and green)
Cyber CoinSides (magenta and cyan)
Large D4 D8Small D2 D4 D8
Small D2 D4 D8
Large D6 D12
Large D3 D6 D12
Large D3 D6 (braille) D12
Small D10 D20 (both in Roman numerals)
Large D5 D10 D20
Large D5 D10 D20
Poker Suits
Small D100
North, South, East, West
Yes, No, Maybe
Good, Evil, Neutral

Glow in the dark
Animated design
Life Counter
Life CounterLife Counter
Analogue Timer
Analogue TimerAnalogue Timer


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System-agnostic TTRPG module to mind meld with the moon for intel
For any fellow fans of Isaac Asimov - an Adventure Spark made for #coinsides game jam
Wield an otherworldly coin and question who —or what— you can trust
A system-agnostic adventure spark involving an innocent goblin and a legendary coin
A system-agnostic adventure spark themed around gambling
A one-shot scenario for any TTRPG.
Send your adventuring party on a quest to uncover the secret behind the legendary hero, "RIO"!
A system-agnostic adventure spark for any Cyberpunk/Sci-fi TTRPG
A system-agnostic adventure spark for any fantasy TTRPG
A system-agnostic, pirate-themed adventure spark for any fantasy TTRPG
A system-agnostic ttrpg adventure
Giant coins keep an otherworldly invasion at bay in this system-agnostic Adventure Spark.
A Coinsides Adventure Spark system agnostic sci-fi module
A system-agnostic TTRPG adventure spark about how people respond when they come face-to-face with death