This jam is now over. It ran from 2019-12-01 05:00:00 to 2020-01-01 05:00:00. View 12 entries
What is a community? Is it a collection of strangers who came together through happenstance? Is it a group that found each other through shared goals? Or shared interests? Maybe it's even a group of people that came together for safety from an out group. No matter how you define a community, they are intrinsic and important aspects in the lives of basically everyone.
Communities can provide a lot of important facets of life, be it safety, shelter, food, knowledge, family, or connection. Regardless of what they can provide, they are not always defined in the same way. Communities can consist of people who look alike, or not at all, being made up of people who share a common bond. Communities are usually built as spaces, be they physical or not, in which people can gather together as a collective, but in the end there is always an out group. The goal of this jam is to provide an opportunity for others to take a hard look at what one defines as a community, what the members take from and provide to the community, and who is the out group. How do you define a community?
Feel free to contact either one of the co-hosts if you have questions! You can also contact here via Community Jam's dedicated forums on Itchio! And, don't forget to help us make this a thing by using the hashtag #CommunityJam.
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