This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-04-17 17:00:00 to 2020-04-24 17:00:00. View results


The winner was LockDown2020 by SmithJones🎉😎🎉Congratulations!


apocalypse jam is a 168 hour jam for indie game devs.

You get the theme early so you can plan ahead. This jam's theme is apocalypse RPG. Remember, the theme is required, but, Feel free to interpret it however you want.


The theme for the apocalypse jam is an apocalypse RPG.

Struggle with art and/or music? Check out and OpenGameArt for stuff you can use in your project.


  • create an apocalypse RPG.
  • You may only make your game within the time frame, we do checkHowever, updates are allowed after the game has been submitted
  • No harassment of any kind.
  •  No nsfw content, offensive content, excessive gore/violence.
  • You can use pre-made assets that were not made for this jam, like asset packs, or assets from older projects of yours.
  • Read the rules. Not reading the rules is not an excuse for breaking them.

Any games that do not follow these rules may be removed from the jam.