This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-03-16 04:00:00 to 2024-05-01 03:59:59. View 1 entry

An ominous feeling hangs in the air like static. A foe greater than any you've faced before is on the way, and you're not sure how long you have left to prepare. Luckily you don't stand alone, and you've never lost before...

Countdown to Walpurgisnacht is a jam for Magical Girl-inspired media of any type, but is primarily for games inspired by Madoka Magica, and the start and end dates are taken from

Spoilers for Puella Magi Madoka Magica Homura Akemi's time loop, from waking up in the hospital until Walpurgisnacht

Projects for the jam can include TTRPGs, Video Games, or anything else that fits! The important part is to make something within the month-and-a-half timeframe. This jam isn't a competition and isn't judged, and is open to anyone willing to make a funky mahou shoujo thing!


  • March 16th- Submissions open / start working on your thing!
  • April 30th - Walpurgisnacht arrives and you submit your thing! Please feel free to submit earlier


  • Make something Magical-Girl related
  • No NSFW content
  • Credit contributors/pre-made assets
  • Have a good time! Try not to stress too hard, despair is bad

This is the first year that Countdown to Walpurgisnacht has run, although the host, Dondougo, has been challenging himself to make a game within this time frame since 2022! The first game from this endeavor was It'd Take a Miracle, a TTRPG about Magical Girls finding hope after the apocalypse, followed by 2 Month Magical Girl, a GMless TTRPG about Magical Girls preventing an incoming disaster, in 2023. He's excited to open this up to others and to see what he makes this year!


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A TTRPG about Magical Girls fighting against the Darkness