This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-10-24 22:00:00 to 2024-11-03 22:59:59. View results

We all remember the feeling; the game looked sooo good on the cover but the disappointment when seing the actual game. Especially true for the games back in the 80s.

But this is Your chance - You will be given (when the jam starts) three video game covers from the 80s and/or 90s to choose from and create the game You think the cover deserves. Maybe it will be a 2D pixel game inspired by the original game, or an all-in 3D FPS version of the blocky, pixel game from back then.


Aaaand, the three covers turned to four since it was a tie in the vote! Choose one of the covers and create the best game You can to make the cover justice:

The voting is closed:


Why not get social on our Discord server? Chat with jammers, ask questions, get help or help others out!

Set up for this Jam specifically, so will grow in time!


  • The game should be made within the timeframe of the Jam, but preparation and re-use of assets, code and music/sfx is allowed (You must have the right to use the assets, and due credits should be given on the submission page and also preferably in game).
  • Any game engine can be used, and any target platform is allowed but experience says that a WebGL build is often played more.
  • Teams of up to four persons are allowed.
  • Submission time is final.

Any questions? Just ask in the community page or on the discord server. 


After the submission deadline, there will be a voting period with the following categories:

  • Overall - Is this game fun and great in all aspects?
  • Cover inspiration - How well the game reflects the cover in all aspects (look, gameplay and so on)
  • Playability - How fun is the game to play? Responsive controls? Or do the resemble the original game? That might be extra points :)
  • Graphics - Does the game look awesome? Are assets coherent in look and design? 
  • Sound - Is the music inspired by the original game in some way? Or does it just reflect the cover in a very good way or just really awesome?

But most important is to give feedback and comments to help eachother evolve!

Have Fun!

The background image is the Palace Software logo


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Browser playable (3)
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A PSX-esque remake of Haunted House for the Atari.
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Submission for gamejam Cover Up 4 by VisualImpact - Based on the cover for Cauldron 2 - The Pumkin Strikes Back
Showing that Atari Haunted House is a quality game!
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Ghosts 'n Goblins 'n Map Editor
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