This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-12-29 09:30:00 to 2022-12-31 10:35:00. View results



I added an extra hour to allow all participants to work on their projects.
A big thank you to everyone who participated you are amazing!
The Creatus Jam run from December 29th at 10:30am to December 31st at 10:30am (48 hours) + 1 Bonus Hour

What is the Creatus Jam?
The Creatus Jam is a monthly gaming contest where your goal is to create something playable and fun on a given theme!  
Everyone, regardless of age, can participate in the Creatus jam. You can participate alone or in a team.
You can create your game in any programming language, as long as you can upload a file that works on Windows or browsers.
The vast majority of the code must be written during the jam, but you may use any visuals and audio you are legally allowed to use.
Every week, the community (that's you!) votes for the theme of the jam among 5 themes that we arbitrarily choose. We also sometimes accept theme suggestions! Join our Discord (see below) to participate.
You are free to interpret each theme in any way you want.
- Games submitted to Creatus Jam must not contain nudity, language or hateful images.
- You can create a game in virtual reality, but be aware that few people will have the technology to judge your game.
- You can support other platforms (such as Mac and Android) if you wish, as long as there is at least one Windows/browser version.
- You can reuse some small pieces of code, such as controller support. Use your best judgment, as the moderators will not be able to advise you on this.
A bit more on the legal side:
- Everything you do during the Creatus Game Jam is your property. Creatus does not claim any rights or ownership over your game.
 - Any game submitted to Creatus Game Jam may appear in a Creatus video on YouTube without your express permission.


All submissions
Browser playable (2)
Windows (4)

No submissions match your filter

Catch the monkeys
Collect animals befote the timer reaches 0
Play in browser
Cookie Clicker Parody, and extremely simplified/scaled down
very short GameJam Game, about shooting Dinos
Play in browser