This jam is now over. It ran from 2018-09-28 17:00:00 to 2018-09-30 17:00:00. View results

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The theme was: Black and White


- Your game must not include any paid assets or advertisements

- If you use 3rd party assets, make sure you own the rights to use them and you specify it and attribute the source somewhere

- The usage of 3rd party software is allowed

- Please keep profanity to a minimum and don't include any age-restricted content in your game (keep it PG-13)

- If you include code by others, make sure you own the rights to use it and it is attributed in the description of the submission form

- The game needs to be made from scratch and you can not just submit a game you made outside this 48 hour window

Neglecting these rules will lead to a disqualification!

Additional Information:

What is a 48 hour game jam?

A 48 hour game jam is a game programming competition. You've got 48 hours to make a game and upload it. Afterwards you can play and rate the games of the other participants while your own game will be rated by them.

What about the theme?

Once you voted on this page and the theme has been assessed, it will be revealed at the same time the jam starts. Your game has to center around this theme.

Where do you upload it?

Once the jam begins, you can use this page to submit your game. Make sure it complies with the rules above!

When does it start and end?

At the top of this page you'll see the current time and date, the countdown and the time and date the jam will begin. It will end exactly 48 hours after the beginning and the form will then be disabled, so be careful to not miss the deadline and maybe set an alarm clock!

What are the requirements to participate?

You need to be a member of the Cult of Jabril(s) Discord Server and you need to read and abide by the rules above.

What can you win?

The 1st, 2nd and 3rd places will receive large prizes and we'll also have three honourable mentions which get a smaller prize. All of these places will receive Steam gift cards out of our money pool, but don't be sad if you lose, because the most important thing you can win is the gained experience.

How can you contribute?

You can contribute by participating in the game jam and/or you could donate some money to our PayPal pool here. This money will be given to the winners. This will also grant you the Contributor role on the Discord server if you include your username.

A few tips before you start:

- Prepare yourself by making yourself comfortable with your programming environment and maybe taking a look at a few small, non-copyrighted libraries and/or addons you may want to use in the jam.

- Staying awake for the whole 48 hours is generally a bad idea. You will lose your focus and do many careless mistakes.

- Don't worry if you're not that experienced. It's not about winning, but about gaining experience, learning from your mistakes and improving.

- Also don't worry if you are more experienced in some categories than others, the rating will compensate for that (for example: someone who can make great assets but can't make a good gameplay will receive the same overall rating as someone who can't make good assets but has a better gameplay).

If you have any questions or suggestions, please tag an admin in our Discord server.


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