This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-12-22 19:00:00 to 2022-01-09 00:00:00. View 15 entries

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Check out Curdle Games on twitch!

It's jam time! 

The theme for Curdle Jam 21 is:


How you interpret the theme is up to you. For a definition, ask the community discord.

Curdle Jam happens at the end of each month, so stick around!


Beginners are 100% welcome for this jam.

This jam is not ranked, think of it less like a competition and more like a community showcase.

Forming teams is encouraged, but you can fly solo if you want.

Use the Discord server to form teams and chat with other jammers. 

Using pre-made assets is fine as long as you credit the source and have permission to use them.


There will be a submission stream on twitch at the end of the jam where your game will be showcased! Details on that will be posted in the discord near submission time. (Only web builds are played on stream, or standalone builds from whitelisted community members, check submission details)


Check out the awesome submissions to previous Curdle Jams! 

♥  Curdle Jam #20  ♥  Curdle Jam #19  ♥  Curdle Jam #18  ♥  Curdle Jam #17  ♥  Curdle Jam #16  ♥  Curdle Jam #15  ♥  Curdle Jam #14  ♥  Curdle Jam #13 ♥  Curdle Jam #12  ♥  Curdle Jam #11 ♥  Curdle Jam #10  ♥  Curdle Jam #9  ♥  Curdle Jam #8  ♥  Curdle Jam #7  ♥  Curdle Jam #6  ♥  Curdle Jam #5  ♥  Curdle Jam #4  ♥  Curdle Jam #3  ♥  Curdle Jam #2  ♥  Curdle Jam #1  ♥


Submission Details:

- Ensure that each member has joined the jam from their account via this jam page 

- Make sure you add the game project to one of your accounts before trying to submit it to the jam 

- Enter your team name into the submission field (provided on submission page) 

- Enter your team members names, their roles, and their account URL (provided on submission page). 

- Be sure to link the other developers to the submission as well.

- Upload a web build, (or a zipped standalone if you're on the whitelist.) Whatever engine you use is fine as long its playable on Windows. Please, no installers. 


 - Only web builds will be played on stream unless you are a whitelisted creator. If you are a known member of the community, and I trust you, you are whitelisted, but if you're unsure, DM me on discord and ask.


 - Don't submit previously made games. You're welcome to join the jam discord while working on your own projects, but submissions to this jam are only for games made within the jam period 

 - Please keep your games SFW, violence and swearing are fine, just no hateful content or overly sexual content (that means no nudity, no racism, etc.)

- You will be required to explain how your game fits the theme during submission forms

- If you're having trouble with submitting, ask the chat on discord



Q: How do you decide the theme?

A: I have a list of potential themes and decide which one to use about an hour before the jam starts. 


 Q: Do you participate in the game jam as well? 

 A: Yes, I have participated in every one and intend to keep doing so


Q: Do you have any recommendations for beginners? 

 A: I have many, but I'll narrow it down to these three. See the jam through to the end even if it doesn't go well. Make something, and submit it, no matter what it is. The commitment to submission is important, and it teaches you a lot. Give yourself a small, achievable, scope. Make something very simple with only a few mechanics. It is a better and more rewarding experience to have a tiny demo that feels complete, than to have an over-ambitious, incomplete mess. This last one is very important: If you join a team, be honest about your level of experience. I've seen people miss this one far too often and it results every time in teammates that are bitter about being lied to. My community is friendly to beginners, so you have no reason to lie. Be transparent, and let those more experienced than you help you improve from where you are. 



Q: Can I submit my game to multiple jams? 

 A: No. If I notice a game was submitted to another jam, I will remove the submission. However, what you do with your game after I review it on stream is entirely up to you. 



Q: Will you be developing the entire game on your stream? 

 A: Depends on my role in the jam. I find it very distracting to program on stream, so you'll typically only see 3D art, Animation, Level Design, that kind of thing.



Q: Am I expected to use the entire duration of the jam to make my game? 

 A: Nope. Just figure out how much time you have within the jam period, and scope for that. 


Q: Why did you start Curdle Jam and why do you do it every month? 

 A: I love game jams and wanted my own community of friends to make games with! It keeps you sharp, and it is also a nice break from the routine. Also, it is just so much fun. I love seeing what everyone creates.



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