This jam is now over. It ran from 2020-12-01 00:00:00 to 2021-02-28 23:59:59. View 15 entries

Cyberpunk by Asian Creators Game Jam

This is an analogue game jam for Asian creators, running from December 2020 to January 2021. (Update: Deadline extended to end of February.)

Western cyberpunk media borrows heavily from Asian visuals and fetishizes Asian culture, without the involvement of actual Asians. This game jam is for Asian creators who want to make our own cyberpunk games.


The game jam is for creators fitting one or more of the following:

  1. You are a creator with Asian heritage.
  2. You live in Asia and do not consider yourself an expat (immigrants are welcome).


  1. Write an analogue game (TTRPG/LARP/board game) on cyberpunk.
    1. It can be a standalone game, a hack, or a supplement for an existing game.
    2. It has to incorporate the theme of cyberpunk.
    3. Incorporate safety/support tools in your game and/or include information on how to find them:
    4. Submission of existing games is allowed!
  2. Asia is a continent with diverse cultures. Be sensitive if you write about cultures not of your own.
    1. If your game is about a culture you are not part of, find a sensitivity reader and include them from the beginning of your project.
    2. Do not use cultural stereotypes and slurs as descriptions of the characters.
    3. Do not use your game to criticise a culture you don't belong to.
  3. Have Fun!
    1. Don't push yourself too hard. There are lots of game jams going on, and it's totally okay to take a break.



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A Supernatural-Cyberpunk Revolution
a cyberpunk TTRPG where you play solo together
an exploitation body horror game of guts, gore, and revenge
Your lives are privatized. Fight back.
Collective resistance in a cyberpunk world.
A Cyberpunk TTRPG about survival
Will your story be one of community? Or will you fall to despair?
A GM-less, solo or collaborative, choose your own adventure style cyberpunk TTRPG set in Neo-Millennia.
Cybernetics module for the BOLT RPG Engine
A 2d7 game of decadence, crime, and justice. For 1 or more players.
Together, what must be done to help us?
A Cyberpunk Adaptation of the Domains Horror Roleplaying System
No Dice, no Masters source book set in a Cyberpunk colony in a Japanese Feudal inspired Augmented Reality Park
A GM-less, cyberpunk-themed TTRPG for 1-4 players, inspired by aspects of the Chinese zodiac & almanac.
Hum drum in the Megacity - a Cyberpunk Journaling Game