I absolutely love the visuals. While I think the preproduction 1 teachers (Lino and Yordi most likely) would have a heart attack from the mushrooms, I loved it. Really gives me Rayman vibes.
The game plays pretty smooth but there were some major annoyances here and there that really kill the fun. The mosquitos are really annoying, since it's kinda hard to hit them mid air and the best option is to dash through them. Colliding with them has you take damage, and kicking stops all your air momentum to the left/right.
Player feedback-wise I think the game is a tiny bit lacking. I still don't really understand what makes the yellow power-up different from the blue and red one. Blue being speedy and red being the massive damage boost. After 3 playthroughs I understood that they're stacking... But not really? It's kind of confusing. The power-up plants also take a bit of a while to open so I wasn't sure if I was doing the right thing when I played it for the first time. I also would've liked to see my health bar a bit more, as it blends a bit too much with the background and I don't really look at it at all. Some sort of indicator with your character to show you're on lower health would've been cool.
Combat-wise it's pretty straight forward. The dash is cool, but the enemies sometimes randomly 180 and hit you really fast if you're not dashing back out or kicking them in the hypothetical bugsack, killing a bit of the super strength the player seems to have as the enemies "Owari-da" you if you're not fast enough.
I couldn't play this with mouse and keyboard either, so I had to use my PS4 controller. I can't seem to move the options in the menus at all, which is a bit annoying when I want to restart the level.
Overall, I love the style. The game seems could be very fun if some of the annoyances would've been tweaked a bit, but it's nothing too game-breaking.
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