This jam is now over. It ran from 2015-06-11 03:00:00 to 2015-07-13 03:00:00. View 2 entries


Ingresar al channel #permajam del Slack GameDevLatam y pedirle al bot Dalek 3 ideas de juego al azar mediante:

@dalek game idea

De las 3 ideas que te sugiera, elegís la que mas te guste. Tenés hasta el 13/07 a las 00:00 para presentar tu demo.

Buena suerte!

Temas hasta ahora:

BruReale: A cross between Road Rash and Skyrim, but with permadeath

Jupitrón: A cover based shooter where you beat vampires but it is all a dream

noidexe: A complex mobile game where you trade shapes and wave your phone around with strangers

mcerdeira: A game where you control a skinny scientist who loves silence but hates the monarchy

fcingolani: A sim game where you round up herbs and experiences against the clock

kev: A realistic mobile game where you arrange pigs and answer questions to stay alive

ironicnet: A game where you are a psychotic child who loves sunlight

madnotdead: a squad based platformer where you destroy ghouls and loot the corpses

stinkfist: A funny role playing game where you meet a stranger then visit strange new lands to reveal the truth

kinerius: A game where you control a disguised smuggler who loves violence and listens to jazz music


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Browser playable (1)
Windows (1)

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Gather as many mint leaves as you can before all the plants die.
Play in browser
Play as the scientist, ride your mecha and kill the motherf******