This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-12-04 04:58:11 to 2024-12-19 04:58:13. View 28 entries
This jam is specifically for York University students in DATT 2300, for their third project, Endless Runner.
Make sure your name and student number are in the description of the itch page.
Include any instructions to play your game, inputs, what buttons to push.
If your game is an HTML file, set it to be played in browser.
If your game is not HTML, it must be a windows build.
Make sure you set your game to be public. (You can keep it unlisted.) Upload both a zip file of the game with all the folder contents, video walkthrough and the document. Deadline: The deadline for this Project is December 10th - the jam is open a few more days for students with extensions and to accept late work - but just because the jam is open after the deadline, does not mean the work isn't late.
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