Hey everyone, it's time! Welcome to DC Jam! This fully online 24 hour long jam will start when the theme is announced at 9pm (EDT) Friday July 10th. You'll have 24 hours to create a game, with the jam ending at 9pm on Saturday July 11th. Stay tuned for more information and any questions can be directed at Micha Faw (@ghostmaple). Communication during the jam will be on this page, and on the IGDA DC Discord: https://discord.gg/42pjCXB (Check the #dcjam channel)
The theme for the jam is: Going Global

- Friday (July 10th) 9pm - Theme announcement & jam start
- Saturday (July 11th) 9pm - Jam end
- Saturday (July 11th) 10pm - Submission window closes
- Saturday (July 18th) 10pm - Voting period ends
- Do I need to live in Washington DC to participate? No, but this jam will focus on devs in and around the general mid-Atlantic area. (DC, Baltimore, Frederick, etc.)
- I don't have a team yet, is that ok? Yes! If you want to find a team, check the #dcjam channel in the IGDA DC Discord (https://discord.gg/42pjCXB). You can work solo too!
- What kind of rules are there for using pre-existing assets? We're generally following the more relaxed "Jam" guidelines used by Ludum Dare. This means if you use pre-existing assets, please credit those on your game page. You'll be excluded from being voted on in the relevant category. (See the Ludum Dare rules here, under "The Jam": http://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/rules)
- What tool/engine do I have to use to make the game? Anything you want. Bitsy, Twine, Unity, Ren'py, Construct, RPGMaker, GMS, construction paper, dice, poker chips, etc. As long as the game can be submitted and played, you should be good.
- Can I make a non-digital game? Totally! You can make any type of game, as long as you have a way of uploading rules, board layouts, field marking guides, required equipment, character sheets, etc. to an itch.io project page so that others can play your game.
- Do I need to submit code or assets with my game? No, you do not need to post your work. Also, rights to the game are yours as the creators.
- I saw that the GMTK Jam is the same weekend, can I submit my game to both? Yes! Though, since our jam starts later and ends earlier than the GMTK Jam, please create a separate downloadable file on your itch page for each jam so that your efforts are fairly judged for what you made in the 24-hour time frame.
- Do I have to work on my game all 24 hours? Nope, and I would definitely recommend getting some sleep during the jam.
- But what if I only have a few hours free to participate!? No worries, that's cool too. Just submit what crazy experimental thing you're able to make in that time!