This jam is now over. It ran from 2024-07-22 04:00:00 to 2024-09-01 03:59:59. View 4 entries

You step out of your car - an ancient sedan that's seen better days - and stare down the endless line of cracked concrete and macadam before you.  This is it...  the Devil's HighwayThe only thoroughfare cutting across the whole of the wasteland. It's going to be a dangerous ride getting from here to there, but it sure as shit beats walking!

The Devil's Highway is an ancient roadway that stretches across the wastes.  No one really knows where it starts or ends - the folks who have tried to chart it out never came back.  Even the smartest Big Brains aren't sure how it survived the blast, all they know is it's there and even with its ominous (and well-earned) name it's still the best way to travel the blasted remains of the world.

The first NUKED! Jam is all about this ancient roadway.  The rusted wreckage choking exit ramps, the blasted remains of old towns that once thrived along its flanks, and all the mutants, monsters, raidahs, and Skrappers that call it home or use it to travel through the wasteland.  Your adventure can be about anything or anyone that might exist along the Devil's Highway - ghost towns, raidah gangs, merchant 'vans, or more.

If you're not sure how best to write an adventure for NUKED!, check out NondairyGiant's adventure "Thicker Than Blood!" in the NUKED! rulebook.

Feel free to join the NUKED! Discord server to chat about your jam project. 


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Encounters for the Devil's Highway
Ha'nts and Hillbillies on the Devil's Highway
A trippy depth crawl for NUKED!