This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-11-25 23:00:00 to 2021-12-09 23:00:00. View 4 entries


The optional theme for this jam is REFLECTION.

Reflections are a natural phenomenon of light, but there's also the abstract act of reflection, as a manner of thinking about the past.

Environment design is a critical part of modern video games. 

Most open-world games have sprawling worlds that invite players to explore and discover. 

This jam is entirely about creating environments worth exploring. 

Far Side Virtual is a project dedicated to creating  one-off, experimental game jams with unusual or original themes. 

The Digital Environment Jam is an experimental jam dedicated to focusing on environment design instead of other game mechanics. 

'Environment' refers to the visual design aspects of a video game created to situate the gameplay within a particular setting. 

Games like Subnautica or Firewatch are designed with complex and realistic environments to encourage players to explore them.  

Is this jam for me? 

Submissions for the jam: 

  • Should include a non-linear environment that the player is able to navigate and explore at their own pace.  
  • Do not need to include game mechanics, plot or dialogue, or any other aspects other than the environment. 
  • Do not need to be a complete or finished experience, and can be worked on after the jam is over. WIPs are welcome! 
  • Can be made using any engine, in 2D or 3D.

Optional theme

  • There's an optional theme! I'll let you know what it is when the jam starts, by posting it here, via email, and on the Discord. 

Other ideas

For further direction, some pointers to guide jammers are included below: 

  • Try making a game that encourages players to explore the environment without the use of collecting or finding items. 
  • Try designing an environment based on a real-world location. Don't forget to put the location on your jam submission page! 

This is a laid-back jam with no expectations. As such, there is no ranking, although I will play and give feedback on every game. 

If you have any questions, or want to chat with other jammers, you can reach out on the FSV Discord server.

Otherwise, if you have any questions or issues, please reach out at my email ( or using the jam forum. 

And most importantly, have fun! 


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Browser playable (1)
Windows (2)

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Explore and find machines
Play in browser
An endless meadow.
a small vr space to meditate in.