This jam is now over. It ran from 2022-10-03 14:00:00 to 2022-10-09 14:00:00. View results

Welcome to the 7th Discord Bot Jam!

Discord Bot Jam is a monthly bot jam for discord bots! Create a discord bot in 1 week and have it judged on the discord server!




Join us no matter your skill level - this bot jam is a perfect opportunity to create your very first bot, or build a prototype for your next commercial hit. One week of development time should be more than enough!

You can use #discordbotjam hashtag on Twitter to share your progress, ask for feedback, see what others are building and hopefully help them out if they need it. There's also a Discord server for direct communication!


Your bots invitation link along with the code the bot uses. 


Voting will be open to the public, and will happen for a week right after the submission period ends . Winner will be announced in the discord.

Games will be voted on based on a given criteria: ThemeOriginalityArt/Presentation and Creativity. The Overall ranking will be based on the summary of those.


The game must be created during the jam period and must fit to the theme.


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A bot in form of gamble theme