This jam is now over. It ran from 2016-05-28 01:00:00 to 2016-05-31 01:00:00. View results

Drug Jam #3

A 72 Hour Game Jam

Theme: Dream

Over the course of a weekend (May 27th - May 30th), you'll take your substance of choice (or not, sober entries are welcome as well) and make a game under the influence of it.

Working in teams is allowed. You're free to use whatever tools or libraries you'd like to, however all assets have to be created during the 72 hour period. There'll be a theme announced both here and on twitter @DivitosGD at the start of the jam, but it is not expected that anyone use it. It's just there as a guideline if you need an idea to start off with.

Games submitted for the jam will be rated on 6 categories.

Overall - Your overall rating for all aspects of the game.

Gameplay - The mechanics of the game. This includes just about everything you're doing in game that isn't there to enhance the experience but instead makes it up.

Fun - How much fun did you have playing the game? Is it something you lost yourself in, or was it a grind just to play it?

Story - How much lore was there surrounding the experience? Why were you doing what you were doing?

Mood - What was the atmosphere of the game like? Did it make you think about anything deeper?

Audio - Music and sounds are a big part of a game. How effective was the sound of this game in adding further meaning to what was happening?

Make sure to keep updated with everything jam related using #DJ72 on Twitter.
Look out for the theme announcement there.

Can't wait to see what everyone else makes!


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Explore your thoughts in an ever shifting dream world. 1GAM #5