Welcome >> The Devs That Jam Monthly 36-hour challenge is a jam that occurs on the last weekend of every month on Itch.io. This aims to be a fun activity for all game devs to challenge themselves and have fun over a short space of time! **This month's jam has been moved forward to facilitate the Global Game Jam**
Devs That Jam is a virtual hub for game developers who love participating in Game Jams, run entirely through Discord.
This is a U.K.-based server open to current industry and indie game developers, or anyone who has previously worked in the gaming industry or is aspiring to enter. All specialities are welcome! [18+ only].
Join our online community of over 500+ Jammers on our dedicated Discord server: https://discord.gg/yUz7GYWZSf
Theme>> At the end of each DTJ36 Jam, members of the Devs That Jam community can suggest themes for the next jam. These themes then go through rounds of theme culling before going forward as the 5 theme selections for the jam. Theme suggestions are then voted on until the final theme is released at the start of the jam. Voting, culling, and suggesting new themes all take place within our discord server: https://discord.gg/yUz7GYWZSf *The theme for this jam will be announced HERE at the start of the jam.*
Voting>> At the end of the jam, a voting period will last until 10 pm on the following Wednesday. Your game will be rated on:
This is a Submission & Contributor only vote.
Prizes >> The Devs That Jam 36-hour challenge rewards a prize to the submission with the highest ratings at the end of the jam's voting period. The winner will also have their submission showcased in the 'Hall of Fame' on the Devs That Jam website! [https://www.devsthatjam.co.uk]
Prizes include:
Read the DTJ rules here.[https://www.devsthatjam.co.uk/rules] Anyone who breaks the rules will be disqualified from the jam.
No NSFW content. Graphic content and trigger warnings must be clearly labelled with a content warning at the start of the game as well as in it's description or cover. Anything inappropriate will be disqualified.
No. You can only submit a game created within the jam's timeframe.
No. Submissions are locked during the voting period but are unlocked afterwards. If you need to update your game after submission, please reach out to a moderator via the DTJ Discord. Amended games will not be eligible for prizes.
No. Your game will still be rated, will not be eligible for prizes.
Yes, as long as you have the rights to use it. The DTJ 36-hour Jam isn't strict on the "build it from scratch" rule.
We recommend you upload your game so it is playable in the itch.io web browser. However, a downloadable file also is fine, but your ratings may be lower. Some submissions may be bigger than itch.io's 1GB download limit - we recommend linking to a public Google Drive folder to work around this.
By submitting a project to this jam you are agreeing to have your game rated and commented on, and for your submission to be displayed on the DevsThatJam website and socials if you/your team are chosen as this month's winner(s)! The rights to the project remain your own. Submissions unlock after the rating period.
There will be an announcement on the DTJ discord server about how to submit late if you missed the deadline, so please make sure to join!
Support >> Please consider supporting Devs That Jam!
Our Game jams are free of charge with no entry fee and we give out a small prize to the winner/winning team every month which includes a Steam gift card and DTJ merchandise.
We also run an Etsy page where you can purchase DTJ merchandise such as t-shirts, hoodies, keyrings and pin badges to show your support physically!
If none of the merchandise catches your eye, please consider supporting us via Ko-fi! This could be a one-off donation or a monthly donation.
We are extremely grateful for the support, as each cup of coffee/merchandise sale adds to our yearly prize fund for our monthly jams, keeps our discord server boosted, and our website up and running! Thank you!
>> Check out our next jam [April] https://itch.io/jam/dtj36-13
>> Check out our previous jam [February] https://itch.io/jam/dtj36-11