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paravaariar published a game 131 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Octubre 2024 para la ECTOCOMP Puedes jugar online dándole al botón de Run de arriba, o bajarte la versión offline disponible más abajo. Trayecto: Espacio que se recorre. Acción de recorrerlo. Dormir, la nada, es lo que debería estar h...
Coral Nulla published a before it's too late 131 days ago
A browser before it's too late made in HTML5.
Whatever happened to GUT ? First they were gonna be the next big obscure indie band. Then they made a horror movie . There was talk of a sequel , but there must've been a glitch. I haven't heard from them since. Where are they now? Could be...
Olaf Nowacki published a game 131 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
MoPP, it read above the entrance, short for Museum of Paranormal Phenomena . In fact, this is just a shrine that pays homage to a 40-year-old movie without wanting to infringe any copyright. Which movie? That's not hard to guess.. As an old...
MiloMesdag published a game 131 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
The story of a woman and a being with the power to take her pain away. Written in one evening, in 4 hours, for Ectocomp 2024. Content warning: Extreme body horror, disease, suffering, social manipulation, apocalypse, religion, possession. B...
Mery published a game 131 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
"Se dice que en las noches de luna llena, aquellos que se hospedan en el Hotel Arizon, son capaces de escuchar los lamentos de la Dama Blanca. Ella, Margarita, fue asesinada por su marido en un ataque de celos. Documentos de la época narra...
Lionstooth published a game 131 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
A short Twine game written for ECTOCOMP 2024. Befriend your neighbors. Appreciate the arts. Stay hydrated. Two endings, sort of.
dsherwood published a game 131 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
You play as Oscar, a regular kind of guy with a simple job to do. But when a flirtatious demon and a visitor from the past show up, your ordinary shift becomes an extraordinary quest.
Ryan Veeder updated a game 131 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
1 new upload: Play in browser
mathbrush published a game 131 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Made for Petite Morte in 4 hours.
Zachary Dillon rated a short story 131 days ago
A browser short story made in HTML5.
Fran_Kane published a game 131 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Pequeño aporte para la Ectocomp 2024, en su categoria La Petite Mort. Está hecho en una media hora, así que no pidáis mucho Vuelvo al folk horror, esta vez con un fantasma asturiano, de la zona de Gijón. El original es una muerta llena...
Dercomai updated a game 131 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
Updated page content.
3 new images
Olaf Nowacki published a game 132 days ago
A browser game made in HTML5.
MoPP, it read above the entrance, short for Museum of Paranormal Phenomena . In fact, this is just a shrine that pays homage to a 40-year-old movie without wanting to infringe any copyright. Which movie? That's not hard to guess.. As an old...
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