This jam is now over. It ran from 2021-10-01 05:00:00 to 2021-10-18 04:59:59. View results

Welcome to the first Edgar Allan Poe Jam organized by Freddy the gamedevboi.

Are you a fan of the Author? are you a game dev that likes horror games? or are you looking for an excuse to start reading Edgar Allan Poe? 

Here's your chance to win a $100 bucks while having fun working in the perfect horror project for Halloween.


  • Make a game inspired by a tale or poem by Edgar Allan Poe. We will publish a list of the tales and poems allowed on the day the Jam starts to avoid people starting beforehand. (Since the already jam started, the list is now below at the end of the page)
  • You need to specify what story or poem your game is based on.
  • You can use whatever art you have the rights to or that is copyright-free.
  • You can enter as a team or solo.
  • Your game can be 2D or 3D.


Me and the mods from my discord server that you can join below, are going to be the Judges on this jam. Humans are subjective but we'll try our best to be fair. We will judge the following criteria:

  • Entretainment value:Is your game fun to play? Or maybe not fun but terrifying? Both are faces of the same coin: how much the player is enjoying the experience. We're looking to get immersed in your creation and have a good time.
  • Story and adaptation: You're basing your game on literary work. The way you tell the story and adapt it to the medium will be important for us.
  • Aesthetic and art style: We're going to value your art style, It doesn't matter if it's 2D or 3D. We are valuing good choices in art and originality.



I'm going to personally give away $100 to the winner of the Jam. In order to get the prize, you need to have a PayPal account or I can send you the equivalent in crypto if you have a wallet. I'd do Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, Litecoin, or whatever it's best for us and is listed on Binance


Unfortunately I can only afford to have 1 monetary prize unless we get some donations. However I still want to give something for second and third places regardless, so I'm going to add your names as easter eggs in my latest game Versteckt that is comming out on Halloween 2021 as well as a free copy of it. You can check out the trailer on my youtube channel below.

EDIT 9-20-20201:

Xanderwood just donated a music pack for the second place, so the second place is going to get also a music pack from him, you can check them out here:

EDIT 10-2-2021

I got contacted by D'Avekki Studios they're offering a key to Dark Nights with Poe and Murno, so now we have 2 extra prizes, the music pack and the key. Second Place will chose between them. Info is going to be on discord as well.

If you want to support the jam by giving away prizes (can be money or also art or assets as well) you can hit me up on discord. 

Regardless I invite you to join our growing community!







Here's the list of Poems and Tales:

-The black cat
-The fall of the House of Usher
-The oval Portrait
-The tell-tale Heart
-The Sphinx
-The Unparalleled adventure of One Hans Pfaall
-The murders in the Rue Morgue

-The raven
-The haunted place
-Ulalume -Lenore
-A Valentine
-The Coliseum
-To Helen
-The Valley of Unrest
-The City in the sea
-To my mother
-Dream Within a Dream
-The bells
-For Annie
-Bridal Ballad
-Spirits of the dead

Good luck and Have fun!!!!!


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Browser playable (3)
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Sneak around and escape from a terrifying duo
A murder mystery inspired by Edgar Allan Poe
Short game based on Edgar Allan Poe's tale
The eighth night of an haunting plan, a puzzle game.
Play in browser
A horror game "inspired" by The Bells by Edgar Allan Poe.
Dicebant mihi sodales, si sepulchrum amicae visitarem, curas meas aliquantulum fore levatas.
Visual Novel
Edgar Allan Poe's famous poem come to life
Interactive Fiction
Play in browser
die, and if you are on pc download pck and exe for it to work
Play in browser
Game Art for an unfinished game about "The Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall"